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We guarantee the best rate on our website. If you find a better rate, contact our reservation center at  +57 (601) 587 9510 and we'll match the price!

Frequent questions

  • What time is Check-In and Check-Out at the hotel?

    To enjoy La Potra Hotel, you can check in at 3:00 pm and you must check out at 12:00 pm

  • What is the minimum age to check in at the hotel?

    Children are welcome in our hotel and from 5 years old they pay the accommodation fee and register.

  • Do you have Room Service?

    Yes, we provide room service at an additional cost, you can check more information upon arrival.

  • What are the hours of the common areas?

      Restaurant hours: Monday to Thursday from 6:30 am to 8:30 pm, Friday to Sunday from 6:00 am to 9:30 pm Pool Hours: Every day from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Children's Park Hours, Court Beach volleyball, pool table: Every day from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. Mobile Spa Hours: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm or according to the reservation of the service requested by the guest.
  • Where can I see the restaurant's menu or menu?

    We have a delicious menu, which you can consult in our restaurant.

  • Can I bring food and drinks into the hotel and into the room?

    We do not allow the entry of food and drinks.

  • Does the hotel offer towel service for the beach or pool?

    We have pool towels for guests and Passes.

  • Is any vaccination required to enter the hotel?

    The vaccination card against COVID 19 is requested.

  • Where is the Hotel located?

    We are located just 7 kilometers from Villavicencio, the capital city of the department of Meta, diagonal to the Colombian Air Force, on the route of the llanero dawn, a road that leads to the Geographic Center of Colombia.

  • Do you offer free parking?

    Yes, you can leave your vehicle in a free guarded parking lot.

  • What is the nearest airport?

    Vanguardia Airport is located in Villavicencio km 2 via Restrepo on the Vanguardia sidewalk.

  • Do you offer private transportation service?

    We do not offer private transportation service.

  • How can I book my birthday at the hotel or other types of events at the restaurant?

    Via WhatsApp: 3102709977 – 3106288818

  • Can I book multiple rooms?

      Yes, multiple rooms can be reserved depending on availability, you can check our "book now" button, select your accommodation and on the right side you will have the option to "Add a room". For groups of more than 70 people we have a fair partner hotel next to ours and with which we have an internal door that connects the two hotels.
  • What are the different "Live your experience" plans?

    Our PLANS are the best option for those who want to discover memorable experiences and find special proposals to enjoy with family, partner and friends. We offer lodging plans, romantic plan, picnic plan, day trip plan; all adjusted to the needs of each client.  

  • What is the contact to book Events, Plans and Groups?

    You can call or write to us for more information and manage your reservation of the activity(ies) via WhatsApp or call.

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